di sebalik screen..

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caliph. 'abdi. blogger. seeker. ponderer. "Dan kehidupan dunia ini hanya senda gurau dan permainan. Dan sesungguhnya negeri akhirat itulah kehidupan yang sebenarnya, sekiranya mereka mengetahui." [Ar-Rum,30:64] blog ini dicreate bukan untuk menyejukkan hati atau hanya tatapan mata...but feed these to your souls. hasilnya bukan hamba yang merasa, tapi kesan kehebatanNya dan agamaNya adalah untuk hamba & tuan hamba semua. inshaALLAH. but i love to convey these in the form of stories, might look like novels or kinda. bare with eye strains and sore fingertips by reading on the screen and clicking the tabs or tetikus as u guys scroll down. frankly speaking, most of the post are from the author personal experiences or her feelings toward sumthing until she created stories to express out those feelings. well,anything could be felt after read all these junky stuffs(i hope they all not), but just bury the past and comfort the future.InshaAllah. may HIS bless embraces us all.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

bULaTaN gEMbIrA di BintU SolEhAh2.0

-al fatihah
-sabar.saidina ali bkata nabi saw bersabda: sabar tu ad3 sabar tika musibah...300darjat.
sabar dlm taat kpd allah 600 darjat
sabar menahan maksiat 900 darjat...
-status x pasti...sanadnya
-fatimah syarha...dosa tak terus besar...kecik2 baru besar
kne berusaha dengan sabar dan berdoa.(al-quran)-nek ash
-syekh ridha...ada keupayaan u guna wat len ...boleh je buat(couple ke gne duit ke), kalau kita mnaahan diri drpd maksiat  menahan je...tu pun dapat pahala.

"im too goood to do this kind of thing". always think like that to avoid us from committed sins.

#catatan kecil usrah yg dah lama berlalu~ cenggini rupenye nota usrah, kelam kabut menaip guma laptop...

1 comment:

  1. so, please edit balik so people can understand better..=)
    confuse kejap bila baca
